Auto Campaign Definitions & Best Practices
Sent the week of a customer's birthday
Birthday offer is a great way to personalize your business and reward your customer the Monday of their birthday week. Make your customers feel special by never missing a birthday.
Sent to customers who haven't visited in x to x days (customizable)
Lapsed campaign is targeted to customers who haven't visited in a while. Make this offer more aggressive as a means to get them back in the door. This will automatically send to them after x number of days (customizable) since their last visit. Set this message to recur as often as you'd like.
Recall - Trier
Sent to customers who haven't visited in x to x days (customizable)
Triers are customers who have visited/checked in to your business only 1 time. The Recall - Trier campaign is specifically designed to get those one time "triers" back in for a second visit. Customize the time between visits and recurrence for this offer to go out.
Recall - Buyer
Sent to customers who haven't visited in x to x days (customizable)
Buyers are customers who come in somewhat frequently. The Recall - Buyer campaign is designed to remind somewhat frequent buyers to come back in after x amount of time. The time between offers and recurrence is also customizable according to what works best for your business.
Recall - Lover
Sent to customers who haven't visited in x to x days (customizable)
Lovers are your most loyal customers. Customize this campaign to "recall" your most loyal customers who may not have visited in a while. You have not forgotten about your regulars, let this auto message let them know you appreciate their loyalty!
Milestone Campaign
Sent to customers after x visits
Send this campaign out to customers after x number of visits (up to you how often). This is to really reward your returning customers by saying, here's a special offer for your continued loyalty to our business. Feel free to set up more than one of these offers, rewarding your customers after every 5th, 10th and 20th visit!